CS beatmaniaIIDX14 GOLD Hi-score Online for Single Players

  Record of dj *HUYU*
No. Name Song title Score Comment Date
0 *HUYU*2Phs3rndhardsud+ Candy Galy [A] 3520 no comment 08/06/15
1 *HUYU*2Phs4rndhardsud+ GET ON BEAT(WILD STYLE) [A] 2123 左手… 08/06/09
2 *HUYU*2Phs5rndhardsud+ GHOSTBUSTERS [A] 1481 no comment 08/06/09
3 *HUYU*2Phs4rndhardsud+ earth-like planet [A] 2088 温暖化やばいね 08/06/09
4 *HUYU*2Phs5rndhardsud+ Don't stop! [A] 906 でた! 08/06/09
5 *HUYU*2Phs4rndhardsud+ Second Heaven [A] 2113 左手動かね 08/06/03
6 *HUYU*2Phs4.5rndhardsud+ Playball [A] 1382 no comment 08/06/03
7 *HUYU*2Phs5rndhardsud+ feeling of love [A] 1778 まだいけるか 08/06/03
8 *HUYU*2Phs5rndhardsud+ The Smile of You [A] 1628 あともう少し 08/05/31
9 *HUYU*2Phs3S-RANhardsud+ Turning the motor over [A] 764 今作はMAXいっぱいだすぞ!(屮゜Д゜)屮 08/05/30
  Record of dj *HUYU*

1P = 1Pside  2P = 2Pside  R = Random  S_R = S-Random  M = Mirror  H = Hidden  H+ = Hidden+  S = Sudden  S+ = Sudden+  E = Easy  H = Hard  RH = 右片手  LH = 左片手  MAX = 理論値  P = Perfect  FC = FC  FCE = FC履歴  kami = 紙 

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